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How to improve the quality of diamond bit?

2019-12-29 15:47:38

Diamond bit

What are the factors that measure the quality of the basic work of a diamond bit? The five basic reference parameters of diamond bit performance are: diamond quality, diamond particle size, diamond volume fraction, bit wear resistance and impact compressive strength.

Under the condition that the other four parameters remain unchanged, the aging of the diamond bit will be increased. When the high quality diamond bit is hard and stiff on the front, it is helpful to improve the amount of rock powder and the particle size of rock powder, speed up the wear of drill body, speed up the wear rate of diamond bit material, and improve the sharpness of the bit.

D represents the approximate degree of diamond bit shedding; d is the diameter of diamond bit; d is the performance coefficient of diamond bit; the smaller the bit, the better the quality of diamond bit is, that is, the less likely it is to be damaged in the working process.

This shows that increasing the hardness of the diamond bit can make the bit less easy to fall off, thus reducing the wastage.

The higher the integral number of the diamond bit, the larger the diamond particles on the surface of the drill tire, the smaller the distance between the drill and the rock, and the smaller the chance of rock powder wearing the tire, thus slowing down the wear consumption rate of the diamond bit, even though the area of the drill bit is smaller. Therefore, increasing the density of diamond bit is also an effective way to improve the bit quality.


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